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Patriotic Commission Minutes 02-21-2012
REGULAR MEETING: February 21, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. and opened by saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kent Carlson, Jim Throwe, Gene Botteron, Peter Anthony. Teri Dickey-Gaignat, Bob Hornish, Billy Carroll was absent. Roger Anderson and Herb Asplund were out of town. Len Glasser was absent.

The January 17, 2012 were approved.
Start: $13,500.
Spent: $5160.
Balance approximately $8340.
Outstanding and anticipated bills: $7800.
Possible extra cost for petting zoo for longer time.
Flags cost more because we ordered more (7 gross versus 5). We think there are more veteran’s graves than previously assumed. Several scouts are mapping the cemeteries and we hope for a more accurate accounting when they are done.

We received a letter confirming Daria Plummer to replace Terry Kyc on our Committee as an alternate.
Herb sent me an e-mail saying he had 4 bricks ordered for Veteran’s Memorial Park. One person overpaid and said they wanted to donate the money to the brick fund. One of the bricks will be used in a memorial service next week.


Essay Contest:
Kent reported that there were announcements in South Windsor Life, Journal Inquirer, and Hartford Courant, but they were late.
Roger left 5 copies of the entries and they were distributed to the committee. They will be voted on next month. There were only 35 entries.
It was suggested that next year we go directly through the Superintendent’s office and possibly get better participation from the teachers.

Evening In The Park:  May 19, 2012
Invites to participate will go out in March before the meeting. Bill Carroll will talk to Carey Prague about toppers for the signs. Kent will start working on the publicity for the papers. Bill will get the signs up.

Memorial Day Parade: May 28, 2012
No report. Speaker already lined up (COL Bill Adams). He will coordinate with the scouts for the flags. Art Sladyk will be coming on board and maybe he can help Len.

Flag Day Ceremony:  June 16, 2012
Peter reported that he had collected the flags at the library and there are approximately 9 bags full so far.

Veteran’s Day Parade:  November 4, 2012
Not sure of the date because Veteran’s Day falls on a Sunday and there might be an issue with the bands and local ceremonies.

Veteran’s Day Ceremony:  November 11, 2012
No report.

Veterans in the Schools: Date uncertain. Probably November 12th.  
Veteran’s day is a Sunday. Will have to find out if schools are open for Veteran’s Day this year.

Wreaths Across America:  December 15, 2012.
The date was changed.


Still need a secretary to replace Kent.
Kent did not check on pins and jackets. The old pin supplier passed away.


Teri asked if we could change the date to Tuesday. The bylaws state the 3rd Monday. Kent said that Tuesday would interfere with the American Legion.

Pete  brought to our attention that perhaps a wall behind the monuments in Veteran’s Memorial Park would highlight them. We have money in the brick account. The town would have to approve it. The wall could have plaques for each of the services. Parks and Recreation would have to approve. Bill asked who our liaison with the town council is. It was decided to explore it further. There was more discussion about the project. It will be on the agenda for next month.

Teri stated she wished the statue park entrance was bigger. It looks like a kid.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 19 at 7:30.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10.

Kent Carlson